walk walk walk at the Design History Society conference 'Locating Design' 7th - 9th September 2005
installation view the map
Delegates received, as part of their conference pack, an envelope printed with an invitation to go for a walk, containing a map, a token for a cup of tea, a request to bring something back with them, a pencil and labels.

We created an installation in the conference centre beginning with our research images a large scale map of the route, various trolleys and drawers, posters, and screens showing Gail's films of the walk, and Clare and Serena's video from the Knowledge school.

The finds that delegates brought back with them were added to this, creating a growing installation within the conference centre - the live archaeology of our subtitle.

We were present in the conference centre throughout, to receive delegates with their finds, to talk about the walk, and to collect participant's stories of their experience. Some of these have been used as the starting points for posters.

On the final day of the conference Clare gave a paper on the project.

After the conference several delegates sent us their images from the walk.

the first few finds
More images from walkwalkwalk at 'Locating Design'
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